Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day 30: Good Things Since I Started This Challenge

I do hope someday I could sparkle and shine brightly

Nothing much. But I do enjoy blogging each day. My career life is plain. Routine. However, meetings can make me fat. Because I just can't resist the food. Plus, I love it when my suggestion is highly agreed by our boss. They will look into that matter seriously. (= Oh, I've submitted my post grad application. Hopefully everything will go smoothly. Amin.. I will present a poster during Oil Palm Congress this November. My manuscript has been accepted. Yay! Sangat teruja gitu... In addition, my mood to prepare segala tok nenek hantaran, favors, mini dais, busana is activated! Ya Allah, aku bersyukur atas segala nikmat yang telah Kau kurniakan. Mudahkanlah segala urusanku...


Nur Athira Syafiqah said...

Pegi i-city tak ajakkkkkkkkk pffffttttt -.-

Nina Aman said...

tu time lawatan cameron tu la yayang adek!